Here is the simple version of conference program. It may vary according to the change of participants' number. All time schedule will follow GMT+8 in Singapore local time.

May 16, 2025
10:00 am-16:00 pm Test for Online Sessions / Onsite Sign-in and Materials Collection

May 17, 2025
9:30 am-9:40 am Welcome Address
9:40 am-10:20 am Keynote Speech I
10:20 am-11:00 am Keynote Speech II
11:00 am-11:20 am Break Time and Group Photo Taking
11:20 am-12:00 pm Keynote Speech III
12:00 pm-13:30 pm Lunch Time
13:30 pm-15:00 pm OnsiteSession I
15:00 pm-15:30 pm Break Time
15:30 pm-17:00 pm Onsite Session II

May 18, 2025
9:30 am-11:00 am Online Session I
11:00 am-11:15 am Break Time
11:15 am-12:45 am Online Session II